Week 4 Day 7

Today draws the end of my first 4 weeks of traing and eating right.   I feel better and judging by my before and after picture I am looking better.   I still have a long way to go.

My workout today at Bally’s was a bonus workout since originally I thought Sundays would be a rest day from the gym.  I have reconsidered this and know I still need to get 1 hour in on Sundays  atleast until better bicycling weather is here and I can do a 2-3 hour ride on the weekend days.   Today is the second day I was able to walk/jog for 30 minutes.  I think that is here to stay in my workouts.  I hope in the next month to be jogging 1 mile straight, no walking.  I think that is a reasonable goal to add for the next 28 days.

Sunday also means itis time to do some shopping for groceries.   I now seem to be buying mostly from the fruit, veggie, dairy, and meats area skipping most of the store.  I used to go up and down each isle and picking things up along the way.  Now I shop with a purpose and buy less crap.

I had a really late breakfast today, 11:15 am.  I had 3 eggs scrambled, some feta cheese and some ricotta cheese mixed into the eggs and 2 morningstar fake sausage patties.   I really like the taste of the maple flavored ones but laugh when I think there are more calories in the fake product compared to turkey sausages.  I also had a banana.

Lunch was my leftovers from the middle eastern dinner last night plus a tangerine.

Dinner is going to be some flounder over a salad.  I have not had flounder in a long time I hope I still like it.   If not I did pick up some salmon as well and will cook it if I need to.   I had bigger expectations for today, some PS3 gaming with buddies online, a nap,  but things did not go as planned.  I needed to make 2 trips to Bestbuy for some computer stuff and the day just passed me by,  Oh well there is always next weekend for games,  my healthy life is more important.  

That is the thing people  “WANTING” to lose weight miss.  Life throws you things all the time.  There is not enough time in the day to do all you want to.  You need to make fitness a priority.  Make it your number one thing you are doing for yourself and you will no longer be “wanting” to lose weight,  you will lose weight and get healthier.

Have a good night!

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