Y3W45 Day 2

hack squats

incline bench press

30 min elliptical machine

So today was a snow day. At times it was snowing and it was even snowing hard, but it never accumulated to anything. If you listened to the news you would have been huddling in the basement thinking the end was near. The news channels were whipping everyone up into a frenzy. Estimates were for 1 to 2 inches in most of the area with isolated areas getting 3-6 inches. Even at the worst case, 6 inches is not the end of the world. The temps were above freezing and even if 6 inches fell, nothing was sticking and accumulating.

Here are some birds enjoying the snow day. The fools were bathing in the water puddles!

Snow day birds 030

Snow day birds 031

Snow day birds 029

The best of it all though was my wife. I love her, she is the best! I bought a Christmas tree and have it standing up in the kitchen area near the island. She came home went into the kitchen area, set her work stuff at the end of the island and did not see the tree! Really, she did not see the tree. I asked her to go back into the dining room and look around. after a minute I hear her laugh and say “you got a Christmas tree!”

Snow and tree 001

Snow and tree 002

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