Y3W50 Day 3

25 min bike ride

25 min bike ride

Today was a funky day. I had a check up with my Doctor and needed to have blood drawn since it has been years since my last visit. I needed to go to the lab down the hall. So I am there as it opens at 8AM. The Tech there was retired Air Force and we talked a bit. I let him know I have had blood drawn before, but there was one time when I was about 15 I needed a tetanus shot and passed out on my way back to the waiting area after the needle. I have not passed out since then so all is good but I wanted him to know it could happen. Yep, it happened. After the needle and 3 vials of blood were drawn I felt OK. Then all of a sudden my stomach felt very empty, I started getting warm and my vision was fading out as a dizziness filled my head. My vision started to lose the peripheral vision first so I knew what was coming. I told the guy I needed to get on the floor quickly. The chair had an arm across my stomach/chest to keep me from falling out but I could slide under it. He helped me to the the door frame then down to the ground. I had to lay on my back with my feet elevated. I never fully blacked out but I was close! That was my excitement for the day. It is OK to laugh. I was laughing afterwards.

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