Y4W18 Day 6

45 min elliptical machine

1 hour mowing the community garden area in the heat! It sucked!

So today I am still feeling sick. My throat is sore and the congestion has been keeping me from sleeping for more than a couple hours at a time. I almost did not go to the gym but in the end I forced myself there. I had to do the work at the community garden since we are co-gardeners and it was our turn. Miriam was off on her run today so I was solo. I sweated and was slightly dizzy but got it done. I went home showered and went back to bed. Going back to bed was a common theme today. I went back to bed again for an afternoon nap as well. I still feel rocked and will be going to sleep for the night pretty soon. It is amazing how off you can feel when you are sick. I am snap-ish tired, and can’t seem to focus well at all today. I am feeling marginally better so hopefully tomorrow will be a normal day. I can only hope. I did not make any progress on deciding which college to go to. There is the quick way and to struggle through a class or there is the longer way and I will have my 4 year degree which is my ultimate goal. Oh well tomorrow I can think about it.

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