Y4W38 Day 5

5 min walk
13 min jog 1 mile
2 min walk

20 min elliptical machine

33 min elliptical machine

Today was crazy day at work. My coworker was off for a camping trip so I was solo. I had an emergency request come in that I did but I did need to have a little heart to heart talk with the engineers. It if fricking ridiculous that they order equipment (weeks to come in) Plan for weeks prior to ordering it so they know how big and powerful of a machine they need but submit a cabling request 5:30 PM the night before it needs to be cabled and them are shocked when they ask about it ans the request has not even been processed by the GOV guy and passed on to me. They know for weeks this equipment is coming but wait until 24 hours before to request service for it. These guys suck sometimes.

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