Y5W14 Day 1

4 rounds of 6 reps Dumbbell routine

30 min elliptical trainer with 15 min being intervals

dealing with the new truck.

So I went to my insurance and deleted the motorcycle and added the Sequoia. I left work early and was able to go to the garage and get the low down on the needed repairs. The truck does need repairs. I will be paying somewhere around 2 grand for repairs. Some of it sooner, some of it later. The service manager talked to me after the owner left and asked about the truck. He was curious how much the were asking. When I told him 5,000 he told me BUY IT! even if you have to pay for all these repairs, these are all normal wear items that will need to be replaced over time on any vehicles you are looking at this old. So I am buying it tomorrow. I tried to get them down a couple hundred but they are not flexible. I have looked too long to find a vehicle in this kind of amazing shape not to get it. I let the last one slip through my fingers over a $500 dollar difference in price.

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