Y5W29 day 1

hack squats


Chinup grip lats

30 min elliptical machine

Worked offsite again. Today was another busy one. I was up and down on ladders and generally sweating my butt off all day. I am back there tomorrow and hope all goes well. I did some weight lifting today and I felt OK. Nothing crazy, and nothing that would put a load on or stress my back. It was OK. Tomorrow I might try some bench pressing with 135lbs just to see how it feels. I might even do it with the universal weights so if it is not comfortable I can stop it easier.

Today at the I pulled up to the gym and was parallel parking when a cop car pulled up and parked ahead of me on the other side of the street. Then a second car pulled up and parked behind me but on the other side of the street. The cops got out of their cars and were just standing there. I figured they might be going across the street to the diner, but that was not the case. As I get out of my car and begin walking to the gym the cops start crossing the street at an intercept course. I say hello and get a small response back. Not they are right behind me and I was nervous like when a cop pulls behind you while driving. I enter the gym and they are still right behind me! Now I am wondering of they are going to check out the middle eastern cabbies that work out here. great we walked in together! They are going to think I snitched on them! But wait the cabbies are not here. I exercise and before I know it the cops are walking out a female in handcuffs! I never saw her before. I talked with the gym guy and he told me the lady showed up at 1:30 am and went into the locker room. It was 4:15 when I got there and she still did not come out. He was afraid to go in and check on her incase it was a scam to claim he sexually assaulted her so he called the cops. Crazy, I do not know why she was taken out in handcuffs though.

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