Y5W41 Day 5 France Terror Attack 11/13/2015

31 min 2 mile walk at incline on treadmill. I averaged 3.9 mph!!!!!!!

Work was peaceful, I was alone offsite and did not need to deal with any of the engineers.

I maybe getting sick again. I am feeling it in my coughs. I am hoping not, but I am being realistic about how I am feeling.

Holy Shit France!!! I am sick of all the western countries letting in “refugees” and illegal aliens. These fuckers do not want to come to our countries to become a part of what we are, they are coming in to hurt us. That is unacceptable. More people in America need to get their Concealed Carry Permits in the states that allow them. Your only chance against terrorists intent on killing you is to be able to shoot back. Begging for your life will not save you. Calling the police, they will not get there in time, it is up to you to defend yourself. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

ISIS threatened they would be sending terrorists to infiltrate western countries, it is about time we start listening to, and believing those that wish us harm.

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