Y5W49 day 6

34 min 2 mile walk on the treadmill

Today was family fun day. The plan was to take Bros-in-law and nephews to the range as birthday gifts.
One nephew had to work and could not go. The other nephew (who instigated the whole thing) decided not to go because he was too tired, lol. So 2 Bros-in-law went and our one niece! What an amazing surprise! Miriam ended up wanting to go also since it was no longer a guys day out. We all shot .22lr and 9 millimeter ammo through 3 different guns. We were hoping to shoot some .38 special and some .357 magnum but we ran out of time. Next time for sure.

Afterwards we went out to eat at Applebees and continued the good time. It brought back some memories of when we were going shooting with Bro-in-law, his daughter, myself, my wife, and my wife’s mom. 3 generations all at the range. Afterwards we all go out and eat together just like we did today. It was good.

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