Y3W25 Day 5

13 min 1 mile jog

bench press

Hack squat

15 min elliptical machine

Bonus AM/PM:
I pedaled in and home from work today.

So today before I headed into the gym I thought back and realized I have not seriously jogged since May 7th of this year. That is almost 3 months. That is the longest I have gone without jogging in over 10 years. So today I decided to go easy and jog a mile on the treadmill. I did fine and did not have any pain. I did a good weight and cardio mix plus I pedaled into work today as a bonus. My knee felt weird but not painful so I thought I was good. Turns out sitting at my desk was not good for me. When I got up from sitting my knee was hurting some. Not a lot, but enough to know this problem is here to stay for a while. Jogging is so enjoyable for me and it is tough losing it but I still can enjoy hiking and biking without pain as long as I do not run. My wife is pushing me to see a doctor about it because she thinks there will be a non surgery option, but I just don’t believe that at all. Time will tell.

Today we had the pleasure of a Sales Rep take us out to lunch. On the walk there we saw a really cool military style truck. It made my day.



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