Y3W32 Day 4

30 min elliptical machine
15 min bike

Today was an interesting day. I was reminded about how you can have too much of a good thing. At breakfast I had egg whites with 3 different hot peppers mixed it. I also had a large bowl of grapes. They were super sweet! At work today I brought in some more grapes as a snack. I at the whole large bowl before lunch. I had a nice salad for lunch and 10 to 15 minutes later I started sweating while working on a trouble ticket.the time it took me to walk to the bathroom I felt a disturbance in the force ( for anyone that does not know, that is a Star Wars reference tied to the fact I had some gas build and a need to let it out.) I got to the bathroom just in time. Turns out I needed to do more that just fart. Wow those grapes put a hurting on me. The Force was strong in that one…

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