Y4W37 Day 4

leg press

Bench press

35 min elliptical machine

28 min bike

Today was an adventure. Tomorrow will be too. I now have to leave work early to go pick up my wife’s car from the body shop, drive it to DC to get her rental car, drive back to VA, turn in the rental car, then find a way home. My wife is leaving for an out of town conference right after work so she can not do any of this herself. Sux I will be losing pay and time from work to do this. I really wish she would have listened to me and let our insurance company handle all this crap and we would have been done with it at least a week early. She had to do it her way, fight and argue with the insurance folks to the point of crying multiple times, scream, yell be pissed off, because that was the path she chose to take. Now I get to enjoy some of it myself. Woo hoo.

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