Y4W37 Day 6

45 min elliptical machine


Today was dedicated to school work. Reading and videos and generally being incredibly bored. This will be the longest 9 weeks ever. Of all the classes I have taken in the past I had one that haunted me. It was History of England. I got a D in it. This class reminds me an awful lot like it. SO far I have been reading and learning about history. This just aint for me. I am setting my sights on a C which is average based on the grading system. I think I can struggle through this and pass. I do mean struggle. During this class we are going to have to create a website as a group project and post assignment work to it. I have to say when I am ready to complete my 4 year degree I am going to take as many classes in person as possible. Some of the requirements for online are not practical or reasonable. I am expected to go to an immigration office and interview managers. Like I have the time for that, or the immigration offices are going to want to take time away from people needing service. I am also supposed to interview 5 different businesses to discuss the contributions of the minorities on staff. This is a fucking literature class! What the fuck does equal employment opportunity hiring practices and employee contributions have to do with learning about American literature. I feel like this is a cruel joke on us students to take a minority sensitivity history class in stead of literature. This is why I wanted to be a business or accounting major. This fluffy feel good crap is just not for me. I get that we are where we are at today because of all those that came before. Problem is like today, the majority of those that came before are insignificant individuals struggling through life pay check to pay check. Same stuff happening today. I would rather focus on some significant literature of individuals (even if I can barely make it through the readings) than all the history in addition to all the reading I must do. Besides this 2 of my writing assignments are about my family history. I am supposed to include as much personal data as possible including public and private records. Not cool for a literature class. This information is submitted electronically and stored in a data base. It is not my job to compile information that is private and then have it be searchable in a database as a piece of work submitted by me. Not cool. I can see I am going to be losing points on some work before it is even completed. Picture stuff like, and as an Irishman cousin johnny liked his whiskey a bit too much racking up 3 DUIs and giving up on having a driver’s license. Cousin Billy avoided the drinking problem but found his way into drugs that led to his divorce.

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