Y5W34 day 2


Hack squat

Chin up grip lats

EZ-bar curls

10 min Bike

Today was joke day in my mind so I posted some from my dad, and some from my mind, enjoy!

A judge goes to a dentist after experiencing some pain. The dentist discovers one of the judge’s wisdom teeth is growing into one of his molars. The dentist tells the judge he has 2 options. 1 he could have both teeth pulled since the molar is also growing in a a bad angle, or 2 he could just have the wisdom tooth pulled. The judge thinks about it, looks the dentist straight in his eyes and says, “I want you to pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth.”

What did the clam say to the lobster that would not share his beer? Don’t be so shellfish!

Did you hear about the honeydew breaking the engagement to the watermelon? She said Sorry but I cantaloupe.

Did you hear the elementary school janitor married the first grade teacher? He swept her off her feet.

Did you hear about the computer security specialist that quit his job after only 3 days? He couldn’t hack it.

Did you hear about the lumberjack that decided to retire? He couldn’t cut it anymore.

Did you hear about the flasher that decided to retire? He couldn’t stick it out for another year.

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