Y5W42 Day 2

46 min 3 miles on treadmill

Today was another work day. My engineers got me again. I think I need to start making things up and seeing how far I can push the ridiculousness before they catch on. Dude calls me with a “problem with the fiber”. It is the same one from a month ago with the same problem. Dude went all month and did not fix the problem. I alerted him to the potential problem once my work was complete. Nothing. Nada, zip. So in September we went over this and I identified the problem was his equipment. Same as when I completed the work. Today same thing. Finally he figured it out and realized it was not the cabling. Dude, how do you even have this job?

Tomorrow is a new adventure. I hope it will not be at the mental hospital again. The Meds are not working for those engineers.

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