Y5W42 Day 4

2.59 miles in 40 min on treadmill at incline

I worked off site and it went OK. There were snags but in the end I did what I needed to do.

here are some thoughts I had after hearing about the refugees coming to America.

So the President, and progressive/liberal democrats want to call common sense thinking republicans (and democrats too) cowardly for not wanting to accept refugees at this time since we can’t properly vet them.

And at the same time these progressive liberals cowardly fear law abiding background checked, US citizens that own firearms and have concealed carry permits. So background checks that happen here on our citizens, with easily verifiable information is not good enough for them to feel safe, but we are supposed to accept background checks conducted by officials with 8 weeks of training, to hunt down verifiable information in a war-torn country where that information may not even really exist?

We have a know enemy threatening us. They told us they are sending in killers mixed in with the refugees. The successfully carried out attacks in Paris. Legal gun owners in America are not coordinating attacks on world wide targets.

Why the double standard? It is time to make Concealed Carry permits have national reciprocity. My rights to defend myself and family should not end because I cross a state line. My state issued drivers license does not, neither should my state issued CCW permit.

And also:

The last couple days I have had many thought going through my mind after seeing the Paris attacks and the influx of refugees into the “western World”. I have had the opportunity to have civil exchanges that did not sway either side’s point of view, but allowed me to further reflect on the thoughts I have had. During one exchange today my opposition and I came to a point of impasse. I thoroughly enjoyed the exchange of ideas and it left me with a new thought.

ISIS is self declared as Muslim and Islamic. They pray and praise God, and do horrible things in his name. They follow their Prophet’s teachings, and do horrible things. There are many in America that refuse to accept the Terrorists are Muslim Islamic Extremists. They self identity as Islamic. Who are we to determine they are not? Who gave us the knowledge and authority to say they are not Islamic? What right do we have to tell thousands upon thousands of terrorists that they are not Islamic if they self identify that way. Shouldn’t we respect how they are identifying themselves? We accept Bruce Jenner as Caitlyn now, she is applauded and received a “woman of the year award”. Why is it hard for so many to accept these terrorists are Islamic. No one is saying all Muslims are terrorists. No one is saying all that follow the teachings of Islam are terrorists. But shouldn’t we accept at face value the Islamic terrorists that are saying they are Islamic, actually are Islamic?

I further thought about how there are 2 main sects/branches/offshoots of Islam. There are Sunni and Shiite. They fight each other and do horrible things to each other in the name of God. If Americans can accept that these 2 forms of Islam exist, why can’t people accept there is also an Extremist form which we see in ISIS. Sunnis identify as Sunnis and Shiite identify as Shiite, and the Terrorists are identifying as Islamist. Who are we to say they are not Islamist? Is that arrogant of Americans to tell a large group of people that they are not the religion they self identify as?

If that is too unpalatable to accept, think of Christianity. Over the hundreds and thousands of years the Christian faith has morphed into many different branches, offshoots or denominations. We have the Roman Catholics, Southern Baptists, Methodists, Lutheran, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterian, Born Again Christian, and the list goes on and on. Some recognize the other denominations as equals while others are looked down upon or not recognized as “official”. Snake handlers come to mind for this last group.
So why can’t some Americans(Progressive Democrats? the POTUS?) accept the terrorists as Islamic? Why not just accept they are as they self proclaim and see them as some new denomination of the Islamic faith? Accept this as a new branch on their faith tree so we can move beyond the ridiculousness of not being able to say Islamic Terrorists!

The Islamic Terrorists have declared WAR on us. They have called for the killing of 10 million Americans. We need to take this threat seriously and we need to halt the import of refugees since ISIS told us they will send in terrorists with the refugees. We saw it in Paris. We can see the writing on the wall, some Americans just have to accept they can read the writing.

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