
I have some catching up to do.

I lost 6 pounds. Not great but it is something.

My Doc adjusted my blood pressure meds up a little bit. My readings were still high.

I hurt my Achilles tendon again in my right leg. I tripped on a rebar spike meant to hold in trail logs meant to edge and define the pathway. The wood had long rotted away. I tripped and tried to get my feet back under me and it worked, but not well. I stumbled for a few steps and struck a tree with my left arm with some force. My Achilles went numb so I was able to do the hike but I am suffering now. Life goes on, I am getting older and I am clumsy so adventures are more interesting now. We did get to see the Virginia Blue Bells in full bloom. That was something.

Since I am hurt I have been weight lifting in the AM.


chin-up grip

Machine shoulder press

Incline machine press

Bench press

seated curls

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