Week 1 Day 4

Another day gone by. Another good day! I am still not getting enough sleep but am chugging along. I don’t know how I could fit another hour in the day.

This morning I did 2 different elliptical machines for 30 minutes each. I will try to do some time on each different one so I can benefit from the unique range of motion each has. Some do changes in elevation height some don’t. There are 4 different ones that do upper and lower body and one that does lower body only.

Meals today were easy again since I packed. I did notice as I was tracking my calories and the ratio of carbohydrates , protein, and fat and realized that my protein was low. This was because I did not do hard boiled eggs for breakfast. I plan to have then 2-3 times a week for breakfast. To help shift things into a better balance I had a can of tuna with low fat mayo as a morning snack and as an afternoon snack. The second can was tough to eat. I would have put 2 or 3 times the amount of mayo in it, but that does not benefit my body so that’s a no go. I went shopping today so I can have some chicken for extra protein if I need it.

My body is feeling good. I have lifted heavier and harder this week and have not had the soreness that I had some months ago when I picked a day to push it.

The afternoon workout was a good one. I did 15 min on the stair master to get my heart pumping and followed it up with leg presses and leg extensions. Today I set 2 new max workout weights for leg exercises. 10 reps of leg extensions at 190 lbs and 10 leg presses at 540 lbs. Neither may be much to some folks but a few weeks ago I was experiencing knee discomfort/pain with leg pressing 270lbs and 360 lbs caused me not to complete 10 reps. This gives me hope once I drop some more weight jogging could be in my future!

Tomorrow I will be weighing in again to see what 5 days has done for me and to gauge what the weekend will do to me since Mondays will be the new week weigh-ins.

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