Y2W26 Day 7

We’re going the distance..we’re going for speed…. (but we did not have speed).


10.78 mile jog in 2 hours and 28 minutes


I have been sick and not 100% for a few days now.  I missed a day of work, I have been hacking, coughing, sneezing, and struggling daily.  I did feel better so  we went for a long jog.  Turns out it was much longer than I should have done.  Thursday I was only able to struggle through 2 miles and that turned out to be the day I called into work.  Here it is 3 days later and I went for a record distance this year.  Sometimes I am just not smart.  I did good on the way out and we turned around at 5.4 miles from the truck.  That would have been the perfect stopping place for me.  Unfortunately we did need to get back to the truck.  I was struggling and running on fumes.  Each step was tough and I felt like quitting many times.  I kept telling myself to go just a little bit more.  I had actually decided to quit at one point and stopped and checked the mileage and saw I was within a mile of the truck and decided I might as well crawl along at my snail’s pace and finish what I started.  My wife did great!  today was the longest distance she has ever run in her life!!!  She was better with her pace and was able to do the distance drama free.  I bet she could have done it at least 28 minutes faster if I was not there to slow her down.  I told her that and she countered with she would not be out running like that if it were not for me so we were both OK with it.

Here is a funny thing, it is hours later and we both feel OK.  No leg cramps, no real pains or injury, we are good.  I was incredibly sore when we first stopped and needed to wrap my ankle with an ace bandage for a while but even that is back to normal.  If I was not feeling so crappy with being sick today could have been a much better day than it already was.

The only bad thing from today is my unhappy toe.  Long runs make it sad. Be happy it is out of focus.



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