Y2W27 Day 1

5 sets assisted pull-ups
5 sets hack squats
6 sets shoulder presses (from shoulder)
3 sets of dumbbell dead lifts with 50 lb dumbbells

25 min bike

Today I was still not 100% so I took it a little bit easy in the gym with my leg exercises. I did less than half of what I have come to do as normal. Since I did the really long run yesterday I wanted to go easy on my muscles today. Things felt pretty good.

I cooked a great dinner tonight to share with family that is staying with us this week. My Sis-in-law was so thrilled with the meal she did not want to put her plate down! When she did go to set it down she missed the island end and well you can see what happened.

Poor Sis, and we don’t have a dog to help with clean up, so it had to be done the old fashion way.  Fortunately I cooked plenty of food so she had another plate prepped for her before she knew it.

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