Y2W47 Day 1

Christmas Eve!

I got a 30 minute workout on the elliptical machine and some weights in today.  On the way into the gym I had someone cross the street and get between me and the door asking for money.   He put his hands in his pockets when asking for money for coffee and I had my hand in my bag on my tools in case things took a turn for the worse.  Being Christmas Eve I stepped into the doorway of the gym and gave him $2 for coffee.  I am glad he did not try anything stupid as it would have surely ruined both our days.    I kept looking out into the street while working out since I know there are a few regulars that walk to the gym from the nearby apartments and I did not want to see anything happen to anyone.

I got to work and found out I did not need to work today.  I was pretty disappointed in my boss since I asked him on Friday if the President’s executive order making today a federal holiday would give me the day off.  I made sure he had our contact information.  So I get  to work and see an email from the higher ups saying unless you were on a scheduled project you were off.  There would be no billing the government for the time.  My coworker drove 1.5 hours to get to work to be there for 30 minutes to head back home 1.5 hours.  Ridiculous!

Well, I am with my family now so it is OK, but I would have joined them days ago… I guess I need to make some lemonade…

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