Y4W2 Day 3

45 min stair climb machine

25 min bike

This morning there was some excitement in my neighborhood. I saw the deer again walking down our side street. Again my first reaction was I thought someone was creeping around some cars parked on the street. So after that I headed to the gym. On the was I noticed what looked like 2 drunk or 2 homeless folks sitting out in front of the CVS. Weird since I never saw them before. I get to the gym and park on the street as normal then I see a guy kind of walking in circles at the light /cross walk. He is looking a little erratic so I stay in my truck to watch him. He crosses the street to the same side I am on and looks like he is going to head across the main street towards the diner. I take the key out of my ignition (and the interior light comes on) and watch him. He starts walking in circles again and sees I am sitting in my truck. No he decides he needs to move towards me. I end up putting the key in the ignition and driving around the block to access the underground parking for the gym. Dude was off his meds. I don’t know if he was just looking to beg or something worse but I did not give him the chance.

Work was uneventful. We did demo work and the day flew by. My coworker still has not replaced his truck yet so he was still fussing with his girlfriend on what they needed to buy. Crazy does not even begin to describe him and the situation.

So we are on the edge of the storm. It should start coming down any minute now. We could get a dusting or it could be like the news is saying, 6-12 inches. No matter what we are good. My wife stayed at the hospital tonight and I have gas for the generator if we lose power. We are ready.

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