Week 23 Day 7

Sunday, a day of rest….NOT!  Off to the gym in the AM and jogged for 30 minutes then walked at incline for 30 minutes.  That was a good sweat producing workout followed by 50 minutes of grocery shopping.  And let me tell you I filled the cart.

Later in the day after a nap I went back to the gym for some more cardio.  I did 45 minutes on the elliptical stepper machine.  I would have lifted today if I did not feel sore from the kayaking yesterday.  The Kayaking itself was not bad but I had done  a killer upper body lifting routine on Friday evening and I was really too sore to be working my muscles like that again, but hey it was a family fun day and I am all for sharing time with my brother in law doing an activity my wife really wanted to do.

Today my food intake though not on my normal schedule was under my targeted goal calorie intake, wow that was a mouthful.  Breakfast did not happen for me until 11:15 am so that set the pace of the day with me missing a 500 calorie lunch.  Good for me since I did eat heavy yesterday.  Today I consumed 1,925 calories.  And you know what I feel full!   I owe that all to my super veggie stir-fry with shrimp.  I cooked cabbage,mushrooms, red pepper, green onion, white onion, garlic, squash, asparagus and bean sprouts and topped it with some jumbo shrimp.

Tonight was a reminder to myself of how I need to eat more veggies and less carbs with dinner.  I did tonight right and I feel really good for it.   Veggies are good for the digestive system too so there will be added bonuses later and tomorrow that I might get to share with my co-workers.  I am sure they will be most appreciative of it.  How about that!


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