Week 24 Day 1

A new week has begun.

This morning was a rocky start to get going.  My wife and I took a 3 mile jog to get our cardio started for the day and it was tough.  I had run the last few days and today I was not too into it.  We struggled through and finished with 12 minute miles, but it did not feel good and energizing.

Work was a very active day as well.   We were pulling cables some distance today and I feel worked from that.  So much so that I shortened my weight lifting in the garage today.  I got home from work and decided to do squats, over head shoulder presses and curls for my workout.


body weight deep squats

35lb dumbbell over head shoulder presses (these now bother my shoulders and I don’t do them often)

overhead barbell presses

ez-bar curls

I was done, there was no reason to lie to myself to try to do more.  I was not in it today.

Dinner on the other hand,  that I was into.  Beef and broccoli with red pepper and mushrooms served over brown rice.


I hope tomorrow I feel more like myself. I did not feel bad today, just no like I was in the zone.  I hope tomorrow to be in the zone.

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