Week 1 Day 1

I want to keep track of my weight loss but I also want to keep visual records of how my body is changing.  What follows ain’t pretty, but I need to show my starting point to be able to show my progress.

WARNING!  pictures of a fat guy are below!

Now that has be documented, time to get this thing moving along.

I plan to post information about my workouts and my diet.  As I get better at this I will find my groove for putting additional things into  this blog like some workout clips, pictures (and maybe video) of food prep, clips from some activities to burn calories and who knows what else.   Here is what I have for day one:
I started my day with 45 minutes of cardio on an elliptical cross trainer.  My heart rate was between 120 and 135 beats per minute.  I burned 885 cal according the the machine.  I worked out at the manual setting and was on level 13 of 25.

I ate well at work all day. No vending machine, no soda. Water and the meals I packed from home. I am tracking my food intake at LiveStrong.com. They have great resources available there with My Daily Plate.  Once I get better settled in I will see about linking or importing the data.

After Work I went back to the gym for my PM workout. I started with 15 more minutes on the elliptical machine then moved on to weights for 30 minutes.  I am tracking what I do with an excel spreadsheet and will explore bringing some or all of that along in the future too.   I am lifting with a friend from work and picking 3-5 different weight lifting exercises to do.  We are trying  not to do the same ones two days in a row.  We will also occasionally skip weights and do a cardio workout instead.

That’s it for today, time for some rest.

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