Y2W14 Day 1


Wow did I do bad things this weekend.  I missed 2 afternoon workouts, I ate at a Chinese restaurant buffet,  plus I had a Wendy’s combo meal.  On top of all that I made a Mexican meal with lots of black beans.  The things I did and smells I created were criminal!

Today some what followed in those foot prints.  I had a really good morning workout on the elliptical machine (I had to stop after 22 minutes for a bathroom break to do more bad things) and got in 52 minutes of exercise.  I worked my day and then skipped my PM workout so I could go and pick up my new computer.  Traffic was terrible and we did not get home until 7:45 pm and then had dinner.  We watched a TV show and I ran out of time for setting up my new machine.  There is always tomorrow…

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