Y2W15 Day 5

Happy Friday!

Today was a day off from work so I could handle some things around the house.   I still got up early and jogged with my wife,  showered then went back to bed.  I was up again at 7:15 am and began rearranging furniture in our computer room.   Our computer room is scary.  It looks like hoarders have been using it for storage,  I had to slide things one way so I could move something else another way.  I spent hours getting things where they need to be.  After that chore I needed to go back to the computer store to exchange a faulty power supply in my new computer.  It was working OK but once it heated up the fan was making a rubbing noise so it was best to replace it now.  That turned into hours between the driving, construction!!!!, and swapping out the unit and getting home.  Once home though I was able to get online and fire up Diablo 3.  The game rocks.   Some aspects of the game are not as good as Diablo 2 like individual character development with skill points foe strength, dexterity, etc.  Diablo 3 does not have that extra customization so you are not really building your own character as much as you are playing a character.  The other thing not so great is you need to be logged into their servers for single play as well as co-op play.  That may not sound like a big deal but take tonight for instance,  I was ready to play into the late evening but I got an instant message 5 minute warning letting me know the servers were going to be taken down for an hour for maintenance.  Well I did not want to stop playing then.  If I could play the game local on my machine it would not have affected me.  Oh Well,  what can you do,  you got to play the cards you were dealt.

Oh I forgot to mention, when my wife got home we decided to walk to a local resturaunt for dinner.  From there we walked to the Baskin robins for some desert.  Hey atleast we walked 2.2 miles.

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