Y2W17 Day 7


Seated shoulder press
3 sets

assisted pull-ups
3 sets

EZ-Bar curls
4 sets

100 min 3.65 Mile hike along the Potomac river.

Today was a generally a good day. I lifted at the gym, played diablo 3, went for a hike with my wife, it had it all. But the day did not seem like it flowed well. I cant’t explain it, for as good as it was it could have been better. I forgot something important, I gave our cat a bath. She did not care for it too much but did not try to claw her way through my body to get out so that was good. she was way more freaked out last time.

Here are a couple pix from out hike, here is a water fall near the Potomac river edge.

There was even someone fishing!  Pretty cool,  but the river was so muddy from all the rains I don’t think he was going to have much luck.  We saw some trails to try out next time we go there so we have more adventures in our future!

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