Y3W4 Day 2

25 min of 1 min walk 4 min jog on treadmill
20 min elliptical machine level 15

Nothing. I was horribly sore from work. I ended up needing 3 advil at work from being sore.

My wife is training for her ten mile race coming up and she is doing great. I realize that if I don’t get back to running this summer is going to be a tough one on me. I will not have the energy to keep up with her hiking. I am trying to slowly ease back into running since my body aches after running distances longer than a few miles. I try to work back up to 5 miles a run. Right now I am not doing a mile straight unless I am jogging in the mornings to help my wife, then I do three straight. I am hoping the cycling of walking and jogging can give me most of the benefits of jogging but less of the body abuse. The next few weeks will let me know if I am right.


That was dinner! Salmon, spinach with Gouda cheese and oven roasted potatoes!

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