Y3W5 Day 6

What an active day!

Today I decided to go for a jog by myself. I did 3 miles at a really slow pace. And it kicked my butt! I was feeling really done before the 3 miles were up and would have quit if I had been on a treadmill and had an easy way out. Once I got home I did 20 minutes on the exercise bike to give me about 1 hour of cardio. From there we needed to drop off my wife’s vehicle for state inspection. It was a good thing too my had expired last month and I did not realize it. I could have gotten a ticket parking on the street by work all last week! So that meant we needed to walk home about 1.5 miles. We had decided to go to the local community center for a home and garden show. With both vehicles in the shop we needed to pedal our bikes there and back. Once we were done and rested at home a bit we needed to ride our bikes back to the service center and pick up our trucks. We also went to the mall and walked around some. most active Saturday in a very long time.

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