Week 41 Day 7

Today was a “wife and me” day.

She really wanted to do some hiking so off we went the the Billy Goat trails.  She wanted to challenge us so we set out to do the “A”  and “B” trails.  It was tough, but in a good way.  We hiked for 3 hours and 40 minutes.  We covered 7.54 miles, and plenty of it was us scrambling up and down large rock sections instead of just following the trail.  We had a blast. Neither of us were feeling at our best but we both doing great.  Near the end of trail “B” I tripped and stubbed my right foot and can still feel some of the sting in my toes.  Nothing broken or discolored, but I did see stars when I first did it.  This was also my only workout for the day.  Once we got home, showered and fed we watched some TV on the couch.   Before long I was stretched out on my own couch and snoozing during a show.  I missed more than half of it.  I guess I was really tired.  We did not take to many pictures since we have been there so many times and things blur together but we did take a few.  We also had the pleasure to see two different woodpeckers out in the wild.  One was the small common woodpecker we are accustomed to seeing, and one was the large bird we don’t normally see to often.  Of course the ducks were all out and we even saw a turtle sunning himself.  No snakes this trip, and nothing else to really share except these pictures.

The woodpecker picture did not come out great.  There was a canal between us and I had my cell phone zoom in as much as possible but he still seems little more than a small black bird on the right hand side of the tree.  He was a foot tall in person, so it was great seeing him in the wild, the picture is not doing him justice.

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