Week 6 Day 2

Today was a back to normal day.  I hopped on the scale expecting to see a big dip since I have been barely eating but surprise I gained 5 pounds.   Yep 5 pounds.  I guess it makes sense I have not had much in the way of bowel movements since Saturday night and the meds I am on could cause constipation.  That might be why I was not feeling hungry at all.  Oh well with eating normal today I should be back to a regular schedule of bathroom breaks.    On to the workouts!   I worked out at the gym and did 20 minutes on the stair stepper machine.  I did not push to max effort but a comfortable sweating pace.  I moved to the treadmill and did 40 minutes.   My plan was to walk 20 min at incline then walk/job alternating minutes for the last 20 minutes but my back side by my leftkidney did not like the bouncing so I did jog 2 minutes but walked the rest at incline.   At this point in the day I still don’t know which direction my body is going to go to, feeling better or felling worse.  I finished out my workout and showered up and prepped my breakfast,   I had some steak over salad with some honey roasted peanuts.  Not the usual for me but I did not have time to shop or prep food this weekend so leftovers for breakfast.  Morning break was a banana, an orange and some macadamia nuts.  Lunch was a salad with chicken breast and a nature’s valley peanut butter bar.  My afternoon snack was just a yogurt and before I knew it I was heading for the gym.

I did take a pain pill and muscle relaxer first thing with breakfast since I had a good chance of working at my desk most of the day.  I did feel slightly sore from all the laying around the house I did, but not the intense kidney pain I felt that sent me to the ER.   I figured I would see pretty quickly if my back was bothering me once I started lifting.


95lbs   5 reps





Dumbbell bench press

40lbs each  8reps






Assisted pull-ups using neutral grip





That felt like a decent amount of exercising and I felt good afterwards.  NO BACK PAIN!  That is both good and bad.  No muscle pain from exercising, YES!  but what does that leave as a problem?????   Hopefully when I follow up with a doctor I can get an answer.

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