Week 6 Day 1

Today was a rest and recover day.  I did not go into work.  I took it easy and napped after taking my pain and muscle relaxer pills.   My appetite is off.  I did no physical activities.

Food for the day:

Breakfast 2 turkey sausages, a tangerine, and 2 pretzel rods.

Lunch was an egg roll, banana, and some sherbert

Dinner was steak with peppers and onions with a small lettuce salad with a couple of ounces of chicken on top.

I am curious to see what the scale will say tomorrow if I am well enough to go into work.  I have been really tired and somewhat light headed after taking the medicine.   I don’t know how I will do tomorrow exercising if I go into work.  I know I should not push it, I also do not know if I should skip lifting weights and just stick with cardio.  I will have to figure that out in the morning.

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