Y2W18 Day 4

I did something different today,  I started my workout with 30 minutes of weight lifting.  It felt pretty good.  I might switch my lifting to the mornings since it is not as busy there at that time.  From there I did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine to continue my sweating.   I got out of work early today and headed straight home.  I did not have the energy to work out again and I was very tired.  I did not fall asleep  while on the couch watching TV but I bet I could have if I had  gone to bed.  So I do not know if my tiredness is from the lifting or from the fact it is Thursday and lack of sleep is catching up to me.  I have to work this Saturday so that will be another day without extra sleep.  But it will be for a good cause,  I will be using that money to build an exercise cargo net to climb in our back yard.  It will be an adventure!

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