Y2W22 Day 7

We are home!   What a trip!   My wife and I journeyed up to NJ to visit family and enjoy a party at a family member’s new vacation home near the Jersey Shore.  As a bonus the place it only a couple blocks from another family member.  This post is actually going to cover two days worth of stuff since I only used my cell phone to post yesterday and I have more to share.

On the way up we say a great sunrise as we came into Baltimore.

It looked better in person but I had missed the reflection of the sunrise off the hood of the truck so this is a bonus.   On the way we stopped at a rest stop and say this God aweful decorated van.  The thing is so busy and hideous we could not tell if they were for or against smoking.  We could not look away as we passed it.  I had to take a picture because I have no words that could propperly describe it.

Once up at the party the fun began with a beer or two, some whiskey sours, and great food, family and friends.   My one Uncle is also Uncle to UFC fighter Nick Catone.  He stopped by to hang out for a while and took a picture with him and a good friend from my childhood that lives nearby.   

I was teasing my mom with wet willies and she got me back pretty good.  As I was standing near her she got me with a cup of water,  you can see the proof in the picture above.  As the day slipped away and evening settled in a storm tore throught the area.  Some towms lost power but luckily we were OK.  The tent almost took off with a wind gust and I quickly was able to grab it and keep it grounded.  Cars were moved and the tent left to the will of the wind and it managed to stay put.  After the storm passed we say a rainbow in the sky with a second one forming next to it.  

The evening ended for us and we we spent the night at the other family members house since we needed to get up early the next morning.    We slept OK and were up early and enjoying breakfast when my wife drops a bombshell on me, she says we need to go to the beach before we leave.  Not what I wanted to hear.  I am an up early out early kind of guy.  I hate getting stuck in traffic on the way home from places and make it a point to leave early just for that reason.  Well I got punked,  off to the beach it was.  It was nice and we kept it short but I could not get the feeling of needing to get on the road out of my head.  My wife liked walking in the surf and that is what matters






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