Y2W33 Day 2

Today we jogged. We did OK and added an extra block to the route. It was unintentional but good. I skipped the PM workout so I could do some grocery shopping and pick uo Borderlands 2. I have been waiting for the game to be released! I know jusr have to find time to play. I tried it out today and liked it. It is very similar to the original one with some minor tweeks to the looks. There are new “Big Bads” that need kill’n and if this one is as playable as the first I see many hours of entertainment coming my way. This is good since Diablo 3 was supposed to be “THE GAME” for me to play for the rest of the year but has been a bit of a dissapointment. Diablo 3 is a good game but Diablo 2 was better game play. I’ll get around to finishing it but not before Borderlands 2!

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