Y2W34 Day 2

Run Day!

We did good. We added some more distance and did 6.4 miles. We are ready. I think I could have done a few more miles but time ran out. We have to go to after all.

I pedaled my bike into work today. I wanted to do some more leg exercise and biking does it. Once I was at work and the adrenaline and endorphins wore off my knees were sore and my back was still. I did not even have any Advil to take. I did have some Excedrin so I took that. Riding home the seat on my bike came loose and tilted so I could not sit down for half my ride. Standing up on the mountain bike is no fun, especially with sore knees. Oh well, I made it and relaxed with some borderlands 2. I forgot all about my sore knees.

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