Week 22 Day 4

Today!  Yeah!  Heck yeah!  Today!

So my AM workout was OK  I did 15 minutes jogging to warm up then I walked some inclines for 3- 5 minute intervals at 5%, 10% and 15% inclines.  From there I got on the elliptical machine for 20 minutes and continued my sweat.  It was good to be inside because it was 70 degrees out with 90% humidity.

My afternoon workout was an hour long wight lifting session.  Here is what I did:

Bench press

Assisted pull-ups

Assisted dips

EZ-Bar curls with 50lbs

60 lb Dumbbell dead lifts

Wow that was intense.  My muscles really feel worked.

Today was not so great with the food.  I ate too much and consumed 2,626 calories.  I over ate dinner then snacked too much later.  WHY?  WHY?  I know why I ate too much dinner.  I cooked some delicious pork tender loin chops with spinack and mac and cheese.  Dinner was 1,000 calories.

What really put me over the top was a bowl of cherries and 3 servings of special k cracker crisps.  They are my new nemesis.  I lack the control to eat them properly when alone.  I had pork since my wife was out and does not eat pork.  That also meant I finished it all myself instead of sharing it with her.   Tomorrow will be better,  I bought fish for dinner.

It is another late night and I need to get as much sleep as I can,  here’s to seeing tomorrow in the morning!


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