Week 26 Day 6

So I step on the scale and it says…

Not bad.  I am slowly chipping away at the remaining weight.

This morning I had a good workout in the gym.  I used the treadmill for 65 minutes.  I jogged 21 minutes to get in 2 miles then walked at  up to 10 % incline as fast as 4.0 mph.   I then went back to jogging for 15 minutes at incline 5.0 % and gradually decreased it to 1.5% as I gradually increased speed from 5.0 mph up to 6.2 mph.  I was soaked in sweat and felt great about this workout.

I got home, showered and ate breakfast then changed out the seat on my bicycle.  I have been getting saddle sore on rides over 45 minutes so I decided a new seat was in order.  I took the bike out for a test ride and did 3 miles with no issues.  the dark clouds were rolling in with the wind so I did not chance a longer ride.  I think the seat is going to be a winner.

Later in the day I headed to the gym for some lifting.  I spent an hour there and here is what I did:

Assisted pull-ups

Assisted dips

leg presses

EZ-Bar curls with 50lbs

dumbbell deadlifts

leg extensions

machine flies

I timed my workout perfectly. It was just starting to drizzle out when I got to the gym. During my workout there was a down pour and by the time I was done the sun was back out. I love it when a plan comes together!

Today was off the diet day for eating.  I ate and drank what ever I wanted and boy was I bad.  Too bad to write here, but oh it was bad.   I expect to be doing a lot of activities tomorrw to make up for this.

I almost forgot  while shopping today I took a picture.

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