Week 26 Day 7

Today it is official,  I did not make my goal of losing 100 pounds in 26 weeks.  I have lost 85 pounds in that time.  It has been a magical ride.  I am going to keep at it until I hit the 100 pounds lost.  The goal is the same.  I will get there.  I knew some weeks back I was not going to make it since my weight loss per week had decreased.  This is real life and things don’t always go as planned.

This morning I felt like doing something different for my workout and decided to go for a long bike ride.  The weather looked like it would be OK until the afternoon so out I went.  I rode 20 miles in 2 hours.  That is not amazing but it is pretty good for me since I have been having issues with saddle soreness.  The new seat did great and it is angled downward more with changes where the seat hits my butt, and this was a good thing.  My legs feel like I worked them but overall I feel good.  I even had enough energy to make it to the gym in the afternoon for 45 more minutes of cardio on the elliptical stepper.  Some how I timed it right (two days in a row) and it stormed bad while I was in the gym.  Thunder and lightning was a cool distraction and the storn let up and the sun was out with a gentle rain falling as I left to go home.  Timing is everything.

As I keep on going I will continue to post here but things will be kept shorter than usual.   This blog has taken time away from family for the last 6 months and I need to adjust things some so short posts from here on out.  I will include fun things and weight loss progress as I have been doing.  I also plan on spending a little more time in developing my meals area.   Stay tuned to see how things go as I chase these last 15

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