Week 37 Day 5

I went to a job fair today.  This is the second one I went to.  What I have gathered is that I need to look at the companies’ websites to look for the open positions.  I know in the future to just go to the websites and skip the career fairs.   There are plenty of fields that still have great job placement right now.  Nursing is one, the military is another.  TSA is hiring as well as some other places.  Problem is there are (in some cases) hundreds of folks applying for the same 3 jobs that might be open.  Not ideal.  Oh Well.

33 minutes Jogged 3 miles with my wife in the neighborhood.
50 minutes on the elliptical machine

56 minutes of weight lifting. Lighter weights more reps, sorter rests between sets.

I missed a workout yesterday afternoon and I have been stress eating with the job fair crap so I will be heavy on the scale tomorrow. That sucks! On the plus side next week I am traveling to NJ to visit my old college and might have a chance to compete in a wrestling tournament. I am 40 now and not as fast or skilled as I used to be. I am not expecting big things but it will be fun to get to compete one more time. And as a bonus there should be some funny stories.

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