Week 40 Day 1

60 minute jog at 5.4 MPH (5.38 miles)
20 minutes bike

60 minutes of weight lifting
4 sets of over head press (bar starting on the ground)
3 sets of squats
5 sets of leg presses
6 sets of assisted pull ups
3 sets of leg extensions
3 sets of incline bench press
4 sets of ez-bar curls

Today was a great day both sessions at the gym. I felt like I really needed to push it this morning since I did binge eat last night before bed. I sure did push it time wise on the treadmill. I was considering going back to the Billy Goat trail to see how fast I could make the loop doing it for time (instead of enjoying all the nature) but decided on the gym instead. I am glad I did. I had considered trying for a second 60 minutes but my knees and anckles were feeling a bit sore so stopped there. I did get on the bike for 20 minutes to work my leg muscles just a little bit more and I am glad I did.

Today was a good day!




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