Week 40 Day 5

SO last night I hung out with a friend and watched some fights.  I had 3 beers and some special K cracker crisps.  When I got home I found my wife’s leftovers of Chinese food (tofu and veggies) and finished that off too.  Not so great for the diet.   I also was up until 12:30 am.  Fast forward to this morning and I got up at 6am to take out the trash then went back to bed.  I slept in until 9:15!  When I finally did get up I had the slightest of a headache.  I had a hint of a hangover…from 3 beers!  I have not had any beer in a while (though I do occasionally have some wine) and thought it was funny.  So off to the gym!


10 minute jog
40 minute elliptical machine


54 minutes weight lifting
assisted pull-ups,leg presses, shoulder presses, dumbbell dead lifts, and dumbbell flies.

Today was not a record setting day. Some of it was from last night, some of it was from today being so cold out and some from just not being in the zone. Nobody wins all the time.


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