Week 51 Day 5

Happy Friday !

Today was a very off day.  It all started last night…

I was up late reading a book on my phone until about 20 minutes past midnight.  So I think I am read for bed and I close the book app I notice I had received an email notification that a friend posted something on facebook.  I figured what the heck it will only take a second to see who else is still up this  late and see what they have to say.  Turns out it was my neighbor.  Her car was broken into.  I jumped up quickly and checked on our vehicles through the windows.  I turned on the lights in the back yard and looked around into the darkness.  There was nothing there.  As my mind raced I remembered hearing a door close that sounded like it came from the neighbor’s house on the other side of me.  Now I am wondering if I heard the actual break-in.    I look out to the front  yard and do not see any police cars or any activity for that matter.  I am fully awake now so I settle in at the computer and read some of the country crime blogs to pass the time.  Yep that was sure to relax me.  There does seem to be some crime in our area.  All different times of the day, some single person attacks, some groups attacking a single person.  Knives were used as were guns.  Lovely.  It is easy to live in a bubble and not see what all happens around you.    It is easy to feel paranoid when you think of the bad out there, and it is also easy to think you are paranoid when looking for safe and legal solutions to protect yourself and loved ones.  At the same time no one thinks it is paranoid to have homeowner’s insurance even though nothing has happened in or to your house for 20 years or more.  It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.  The message of the day is…BE PREPARED!

OK, so now you know what my night was like.  I was up until 2 am and finally fell asleep.  I was up at 6:15 am and none too happy.  But I needed to get up and get the trash out to the curb.  So I muddled through my morning getting to the gym and having a weak workout.  Today I should have jogged 5 miles.  I only did 2 miles.  I then walked at incline for 40 minutes.

I got home and had to meet with a neighbor.  A different neighbor called the county over a rat problem.  We have a park  3 yards down that have trash cans, there are sewers in the street, and all the yards have some places where nature could hide.  But I got to tell you,  I have never seen rats in my yard, or any of my neighbor’s yards.  The inspector came by and looked at my neighbors yard.  There was no feces or evidence of any rats so the county official is planning on putting traps in the sewers.  Good Plan.   I also had the chance to talk to my neighbor about what happened with the car break-in.   Turns out his wife was not at home with the car in the driveway.  That was a relief to hear even though I still felt terrible she had to deal with the crap that comes with being violated like that. She is involved and active in sports and was out at a school facility training with her group.  He vehicle was the unlucky one chosen as the “gold mine” for the car thieves.  It is an old car.  And they did not succeed in getting the car or anything of value from the car.  There were tools in the back out of site, that were worth a couple hundred bucks.  Must have been some kids or knuckleheads that are destined to get caught eventually.  With that activity finished I was finally able to take a nap!  I slept for about 2 hours.  It felt good.  I was still not caught up with rest but I was at least better than I was.

Before I knew it I was at the gym for my afternoon workout.  I was still feeling off so I did 30 minutes on the elliptical stepper machine and walked a mile on the treadmill at 10% incline at 3.5 MPH.  I got the time in and headed home for some baked chicken for dinner.  I can’t believe it but I am ready for bed and it is only 10:30!  have a good night.


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