Y2W4 Day 5

A wise man once said  “live every week like it’s  Shark Week”.  Well said Tracy Jordan, well said.

10 min jog
50 min elliptical stepper

8 sets of bench press
8 sets of cable triceps pull downs
8 sets of cable curls
6 sets of 45 to 50 count jumping rope

I have had many ups and downs while being unemployed. I have adopted a belief system simply put, I’ll believe it when I see it. There had been many “jobs” that did not materialize as presented by staffing agencies. One of my past disappointments actually materialized and came together after months of nothing. I was scheduled to start on Monday and there is another delay in place. I completely understand the organization needs to do a background check on me. That makes complete sense. I just wish I was not told Monday would be my start date only to find out today I have to wait until I am checked out. That could take 3 days or it could take a month. Bummer! I could be riding the pine again for another 30 days.

Nothing else to say about the day. It was a regular day in every other way. Watch out for the sharks!

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