Y2W4 Day 6

WOW is my back sore!  I guess I pushed it pretty good yesterday.  I took some Advil today and was able to hit the gym and exercise.   I got an hour in on the elliptical machine.   For fun today we went hiking with my wife’s brother and his 3 daughters.  We went to Great Falls to see the river rushing by.  All  the rain we received the last few days really had the water levels high.

Before we met up with family I took a little break and rested on a bench while my wife went in to a visitors center.  I had the please of making the acquaintance of two geese.  They came around keeping their distance at first.  I used the universal language of food to communicate with them since I am not fluent in geese honking.  We became fast friends even with the language barrier.

The blue you see in the picture is my leg.  He came over and stuck his face over my lap to say hello.

The other one was more shy but still wanted to be friendly.

Once my wife returned I introduced her to my new feathered friends.   

We also took in some great scenery.

And I almost forgot, we made another friend while climbing some rocks.  He startled me as my face popped over the lip of the rock.  Like a trooper he stayed calm and even was willing to pose for a picture!

Fortunately it was his day off, otherwise he probably would have told me if I switched to GEICO I could save money on my auto insurance.

After the fun day in the wilds of Maryland we headed to Virginia for some dinner at a Chinese place.  It was a great day to share with family.  We were sorry to have missed out on one Bro joining us but he had some relaxing to do after visiting a dentist the day before.

Even after all this I still found my way to the gym for an evening workout.  This was the latest I ever went.  With my back still not feeling 100% I decided to weight lift doing leg presses only.  I did 15 sets starting at 180 lbs and went up to 720 pounds then back down to 360 pounds.  Once done I hit the elliptical stepper for 20 minutes  to get the sweat going again.

Today was a great day.  It had it all, nature that was up close and personal, family time, good food and exercise!

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