Y2W23 Day 3

50 min elliptical trainer

skipped. tomorrow morning is a run day and I want to see if I will feel fresh.

So today I did some thinking and I believe it is time for me to go back to doing the starting strength workout again. That is the one where you do squats, overhead presses starting from the ground, dead lifts, bench presses, and pull-ups. I am in need of something different again and I did like that one when I was doing it. Though I like my new gym it does get busy when I an there after work which means I need to lift in the mornings there. I am OK with that but I do prefer to do cardio in the mornings. I can mostly do the starting strength workout in my garage and I can incorporate the cargo net into it as well. I will need to see if I can lift after doing a long run day. My knees may not go for it. If they are good tomorrow I will be golden. If not I will need to figure some other way to get it done.

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