Y2W36 Day 1

My wife took the day off today and I had the day off.  We made some big plans.  We went out for an epic jog this morning.  We jogged 10.5 miles.   My wife needed to do it to give her the piece of mind that she could.  I knew she could and that I could to.  My problem to day was that my knee was sore before we started.  As we walked to the starting point she asked me if I was limping.  Me? Limping, yes, yes I am.  No problem, we did it.  I was hurting most of the way.  It was in the 40’s and I was sore before we started.  I did it though.  Not as easily as my wife.  I was struggling from 7 miles on.  I did it though.  I did the ten miles better this time than last time.  It felt so good to stop running.

We did not get home and have breakfast until 12:45! That was insane. So we showered and headed out to Taste of DC. It is a fun time. They block off multiple streets and have food venders, drinks, free samples of products, and live music and other entertainment. We had fun. While there we needed to use the porta-potty so I walk up to one that was showing green so I knock on the door then open it, a lady freaks out and pulls the door closed. My wife and I laughed so hard. Duh when you latch the door it shows red and that it is occupied. PLUS if you answer when someone knocks they will not open the door. Lady you double failed!

The Taste of DC was cool. For 10 dollars each we received vouchers for a free $6 dollar beer. Add to that free reusable shopping bags, free tastes of wine, and other free samples (plus live music!) it was worth it. In the end we walked another 3.5 miles. WOW! What a day.




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