Week 17 Day 5

My how time flies. Seems like just yesterday I was scheming and planning an adventure for the weekend and look… tomorrow is the weekend!

Things often do not go as planned so it is important to be flexible and have many plans at the ready so when one obstacle blocks your way you can re-route and still get to where you are going.

This morning I was dragging big time and took it easy at the gym. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical stepper and 25 minutes on the bike. I never really broke a good sweat but my leg muscles sure did get worked. Work worked my muscles pretty good too. I was up and down on ladders, reaching stretching, going up and down stairs, it was rough. When I finally got home I was falling asleep on the couch and thought about skipping my PM workout. I compromised with myself and did a garage workout. I used my 35 pound dumbbells for some of the exercises since I have not used them in a while.

Dumbbell over head presses starting from the floor
2x35lbs 10,10,10

Over head presses with barbell from shoulders

body weight squats

alternate arm curls

That kicked my butt enough and I was ready for some dinner. Tonight was middle eastern night and we had kabobs. I ate more than I should have and will heavy again in the morning, but I sure did not feel like going shopping for groceries at 6:45pm to then have to cook dinner.

Tomorrow is a special day! My wife is running in the race for the cure. She hopes to beat her time from last time and I think she will. I struggled and jogged it last time with here but passed on it this year. If I do any charity or fun runs they will need to be smaller events.

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