Week 17 Day 7

Another day has gone by, another week has gone by.   I feel good. Today had a workout high mixed in wiith some mediocracy.  I got the extra sleep I was looking for.  I got about 10 hours solid sleep.  I woke up stiff and sore so I know I got plenty of sleep.  I hit the gym and jogged 2 miles and then got on the elliptical stepper for 20 minutes.  My initial goal was to do 60 minutes of cardio, but I felt done at 45 minutes.  I did fele like weight lifting so I started with squats, then assisted pull ups, and finnaly assisted dips.  I am at a new lower amount for the assisted pull-ups and that kicks ass.



Assisted pull-ups


assisted dips


What a great surprise it was to be stronger with the pull-ups.   I might actually make it to doing body weight pull-ups in the future.

I headed home and enjoyed a great breakfast. 1 whole egg and 3 egg whites scrambled with turkey sausage and cheddar cheese.  I also shared an apple and banana with my wife and I did have some peanut butter with honey as well.  Breakfast was a large 654 calories but I ate it at 10:15am  so I would have had a 400  to 500 calories breakfast and 90-200 calorie snack by that time so I did not freak over the meal.  At around 1:00pm I had 2 slices of leftover pizza.  That was 420 calories there.  Not horrible and my fat intake is better today since  I only ate one whole egg for breakfast.  With lunch gone we went grocery shopping.  I realized I never took any pictures of what the grocery cart looks like when we are stocking up on food for the week so here goes:

Do you see a common theme there?  LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEGGIES!   They are your friends, eat them!  They do good things with your body.  We added some steak, chicken and shrimp to the cart as well.  If you substitute fruit into your meals for higher calorie “snacks” you will lose weight.  Eat more veggies and less pastas, breads, and rice and you will lose weight.  You do not need to eliminte stuff completely from your meals but limit the bad stuff and eat more of the good stuff.  It is that easy.  Add exercise and you will become a different person.  Too easy.

Besides grocery shopping I went to a sporting goods store to pick up a curl bar for the garage.  I also bought two  25lb plates to go with it.  I figured I would not want to be swapping the same  plates each time I use the curl bar so now I have dedicated plates for the curl bar.  I also decided to do a light lifting workout to try out my new purchase.

curls with ez-curl bar plus 2-25lb plates


overhead triceps curls with ez-bar plus 2-25lb plates


bent over rows


lateral raises/upright rows


This was a decent light workout.  My muscles feel worked.  Now time for dinner!   We decided to enjoy shrimp with oven roasted yellow squash, eggplant, and red pepper.

I was still hungry after this so I had a bolw of lettuce with the remainder of shrimp on it with balsamic vinegar as a dressing.  It was great.   This was one amazing meal.  Later for dessert we shared a juicy grapefruit that was not too sweet or tart.

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